Amity Rose & Garden Nursery - Amity Heritage Roses

 Alphabetical List of Roses

updated 4/20/10  12:00 PM

2010 Prices & Shipping

plants below are one gallon,
  Own Root or Grafted - 
Please contact us via email to order the plants you desire. We are no longer 'real time', but the list will be updated daily.  
All orders will have shipping added unless you arrange to pick up your order in Northern-Northern Coastal California (5 hours north of San Francisco).
We use UPS Ground or Parcel Post. If you have a preference please let us know.
Tax will be added for California shipments.
Payment is via Paypal. We will send an invoice through the Paypal website. 
Quantities are very limited this year, typically one to three of each variety.
Plants on these lists are ready now.

Z =
approximate lowest safe rating of US Dept of Agriculture Zone (Don't know your zone?  Go here: Getting Started, step 1)

Own Roots:

Abraham Darby, Shrub, pink and apricot blend, very fragrant, 1985, 4 x 4
Bonica, The best landscape shrub, period. Light pink, light fragrance, 1982, 4 x 4  
Buff Beauty Hybrid Musk, apricot, fragrant, 1939, 5 x 5
Double Delight Hybrid Tea, red blend, very fragrant, Swim and Ellis 1977, AARS 1977, 4 x 2 ft Z6
English Garden, Shrub, yellow apricot blend, fragrant, 1990, 3 x 3
Felicia Hybrid Musk, pink blend, fragrant, 1928, 4 x 4 ft Z5/6
Heart O' Gold™ (WEKdykstra) Grandiflora, pink with golden center, very fragrant, 1997 PP10713, 5+ x 3 ft Z6/7
Lagerfeld Grandiflora, mauve, very fragrant,1986, 5 x 3+ ft  Z7
Lavaglo Floribunda, dark red, long lasting flowers, 1978, 3 x 2, Z5
Livin' Easy Floribunda, apricot orange, fragrant, disease resistant, AARS 1996, 4 x 4 ft Z5/6
Magenta Floribunda/Shrub, mauve blend, very fragrant, 1954, 4 x 4 ft Z5/6
Mellow Yellow Hybrid Tea, clear consistent
yellow, fragrant, disease resistant, 2002 PP14401, 4+ x 2+   Z6
Midnight Blue™ Shrub, very dark purple, very fragrant, 2004, 3 x 3 ft   Z5/6
Mister Lincoln Hybrid Tea, dark red, very fragrant, 1964, 4 x 3 ft  Z6
Neptune Hybrid Tea, mauve, very fragrant, 2004, 5 x 3 ft  Z6
Octoberfest Grandiflora, orange blend, 1998, 4 x 2 ft  Z6
Oranges 'n' Lemons  PP9191 Shrub, yellow and orange striped,1995, 6-8 ft  Z7
Penelope Hybrid Musk, light pink, fragrant, 1924, 5 x 4 ft  Z5/6
Remember Me Hybrid Tea, orange blend, 1984, 3 x 3  Z6
Rose de Rescht Damask Portland, dark purple, very fragrant, repeat bloom, reintroduced 1940s, 4 x 2 ft  Z4/5
Solitaire Hybrid Tea, yellow w/pink edge, disease resistant, fragrant, 1987, 5 x 3 ft  Z6
Sombreuil Large-Flowered Climber Ivory White, fragrant, Wyant 1959 12 ft  Z6
Summer Love, Hybrid Tea, medium yellow, compact grower, 2009, 3 x 2    
Wise Portia Shrub, mauve, very fragrant, Austin 1983, 3 x 3 ft  Z5
Yolande d'Aragon Damask/Portland mauve/dark pink, very fragrant, 1843 4 x 3 ft  Z5 

(Why grafted in gallons? We discovered these could be raised without the use of fungicides. There will be one to three canes from the bud union. Top growth of 18".)

Camille Pissarro™ Floribunda, yellow striped with red, fragrant, 1996, 4 x 3 Z6
Chinatown, Floribunda, yellow blend, fragrant, 1963, 5 x 3
Gallivarda Hybrid Tea, red w/yellow reverse,1977, 5 x 3 ft Z5/6
I Bergman Hybrid Tea, dark red, lots of GM, World's Favorite Rose 2000, 4 x 3 ft Z6
Lagerfeld Grandiflora, mauve, very fragrant,1986, 5 x 3+ ft  Z7
LeAnn Rimes Hybrid Tea, pink blend, very fragrant,1999, 5 x 3 Z7
Papa Meilland Hybrid Tea, velvet dark red, very fragrant,1963, World’s Favorite Rose 1988, 4 x 3 ft  Z6
Sheila’s Perfume Floribunda/Hybrid Tea, yellow blend, very fragrant, 1982, 4 x 3 ft  Z5?
Sonia, Hybrid Tea, orange pink, 1974, 4 x 3
Silver Jubilee Hybrid Tea, pink blend, lighter reverse, disease resistant, 1978, 4 x 3 ft  Z7
Tawny Tiger Floribunda, terra cota/orange striped, semi-double, 2004, 3 x 2 ft Z6

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