In 1990 Tracy left his accounting job in Silicon Valley to pursue horticultural studies in Oregon. While in and out of school he worked at two different nurseries in the Willamette Valley, both in the field and in the office. In addition, a classmate and friend offered him some land to experiment with propagation techniques during the time he remained in Oregon.
returned to San Jose in 1993 and continued his hobby of
propagating roses. By
that time he had discovered the wide variety of heritage roses and
began to include
them in the gardens of family members and friends. In 1994 he visited
that girl
mentioned above with the most gorgeous bouquet she'd ever
received and Tracy and Janet were married the following year with
bouquets made
from Tracy's family garden (and for you romantic types, the pot pourri
from that
first gorgeous bouquet was tossed down the aisle in front of the
In June of 1996 AHR had sufficient inventory to begin selling
at local events and
farmer's markets. Early in 1998 we put out our internet shingle with
the first web
page with one rose photo on it. We still remember our first
email order, all the way
from Pennsylvania!
years of searching, in November of 2000 we said good-bye to
our too-tiny yard
in San Jose, packed up our belongings, pets, plants and mist house and
moved to 4.4
acres in Hydesville, coastal northern northern California to expand
still remains
a just-the-two-of-us business.
2006, for our 10th anniversary, we augmented our name to Amity Rose
& Garden Nursery,
as we had begun offering more than just heritage roses a few
years before and also wanted to add some of our other favorite garden
perennials. Now in 2009 we've pretty much returned to only roses
at least on the internet, and are thankful we never changed the
official DBA Amity Heritage Roses. Our own-root rose nursery is
also offering some bareroot grafted varieties even! Wonders never
cease in a challenging business climate.
the beginning, and into the future, we
remain true to our roots: