Albas are
one of the oldest classes of roses known. They are
probably crosses
between Rosa canina (the Dog Rose) and Damasks and were well known in
medieval times where they were associated with the Virgin Mary. Most
feel that the
Romans grew them even before this time. Typically they are white or
pink and of
rich fragrance. All bloom once in summer for a fairly long period of
time, and the
flush on a mature plant is one huge bounty of flowers. Albas are very
hardy to zone
4, and disease resistant. One of the easiest classes of old roses to
Armide (Vibert 1817)
Two-inch white (some lists say light
pink) fragrant,
upright and non-recurrent blooms. Few thorns. 5 x 4 ft.
Celestial (Celeste)
(<1797 [1759?]) Light pink,
shade tolerant, disease resistant, non-recurrent, 6 x 4 ft Z3
Parmentier (<1828) One of the
shorter Albas, getting to
only about 4 x 3 ft. A lovely light pink flat flower whose petals
reflex a bit when fully open. Wonderfully fragrant as all Albas. Leaves
are less blue than is typical of the class. Shade tolerant,
once blooming.
Maiden's Blush
(<1550 ) White/light translucent shell pink, very
fragrant, disease resistant, shade tolerant, non-recurrent, 6 x 5 ft Z4
Dänemark (Booth 1816?) Medium pink
blend, very
fragrant, 5 x 4 ft.
Mme Legras de St
Germain (<1846)
Very double
creamy white
flowers in clusters on a large shrub or climber (with support).
Flowers are fragrant and spring blooming. This variety is
suitable to plant near water and is also shade tolerant. 7-15 x 6
Mme Plantier (Plantier
1835) White, very fragrant,
and shade
tolerant. Grey-green foliage with few thorns. 12 ft (18+ if
supported in a tree or other structure). Also suitable as a
pillar rose or lax shrub and adapted to wet soil so it can be planted
near water.
Summer bloom only. Z5?
(Kew 1797 )
White/light pink, very
fragrant, non
recurrent, 5 x 4 ft. In all respects a dead ringer for Great
Maiden's Blush only a bit smaller shrub.
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